We are a group of book lovers experienced in different fields: translators, authors, lecturers, event managers, librarians, photographers. In the beginning, we were an informal group for promoting literature. Our team has been working actively in the field of culture since 2014 and we started by publishing an online portal in English and organising cultural events in Belgrade, Serbia.
Our mission has always been to foster cultural diversity and connect people from different fields united in art and aesthetics.
Now we publish books by national or international authors who have been unjustly ignored or neglected in our literary scene (belonging to their own “mainstream“ and not the general one), as well as modern writers from Serbia and other countries.
Our books can be found in prominent bookshop chains in Belgrade (Delfi, Beopolis, Makart, Urban Reads, Zlatno runo, Apropo, Štrik) and Novi Sad (Bulevar buks), the most modern online Serbian bookshop: knjizararoman.rs as well as knjige.at), and in the bookshops chain Hoću knjigu in Zagreb, Croatia.
Each of our books you can buy as e-book too, (format for mobile and tablet devices): http://www.novinarnica.net
Please find attached our English catalogue:
Have a look at the article about us and our versatility published in daily newspapers Danas.
Regarding our company in the UAE please click here.
There is also an article about us recently published in Anglozine.
A Viennese journalist Cristoph Baumgarten wrote a detailed reportage about a book presentation we organised in Austrian Library in Belgrade.
In the most notable portal in Serbia Nova.rs appeared an article about us entitled Publisher that publishes neglected and ignored books
An article (in German) about our publishing house written again by Viennese journalist Christoph Baumgarten you can read here.